
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Guarantee Settings

This tab enables you to define loan guarantee settings. These settings are defined per Loan Product. The loan products should be previously set at System/Configuration/Products.

Loan Performer offers three loan guarantee methodologies i.e. "Share based loans", "Savings based loans" and "Tontine based loans". However, institutions ought to know the system implements one methodology at a time and therefore, it is impossible to use two or three methodologies concurrently.

How you define loan guarantee settings

To define loan guarantee settings, go to System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Guarantee, the following screen appears:

Shares Based Loans

Risk levels (%): These risk level percentages are essential when generating the Credit Risk Management report that is used by the Central Bank of Madagascar for interpretation and Credit analysis under the menu Central Risk Management.


Savings Based Loans

NB: For group loans, Loan Performer will check whether the whole group has the specified savings amount required as loan guarantee if the two options "Tracking of savings at group member level" under the menu System/Configuration/Savings/Savings accounts settings and "Group loan tracking at member level" under the menu System/Configuration/Loan Configuration" are not ticked.

However, if the above options are ticked, then Loan Performer will check at loan application if each group member has sufficient savings on his /her account according to the amount he/she has applied for. See image below

Collateral and Guarantors

Loan Performer gives you the option of making the guarantor or collateral requirements compulsory for groups or individuals, see the screen below:

Tontine based loans

Click on the Save button to save the settings and on the Close button to exit the menu.


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